Plano High Boys Soccer Stats

Plano at Genoa Kingston : 10/04/07

Varsity: 3-2 Plano

JV: 5-0 Genoa Kingston


Varsity Stats:

Carlos Martinez (Sr) scored to tie the game at 1-1 in the second minute of play. Martinez was assisted by Jose Morquecho (Fr).

Pepe Lopez (Jr) scored assisted by Jake Morales. He later scored the game winner on a free kick.

Jake Morales (So) recorded 13 saves in the win.


JV Stats:

Pepe Lopez (Jr) tallied 6 saves in goal.

David Vargas (Jr) recorded 3 saves.


Varsity 3-12

Conference: 1-7

JV: 3-6-5

JV Conference: 1-4-5