Plano High Boys Soccer Stats

Plano @ Reed Custer: 9/11/07

Varsity: 2-1 Plano OT

JV: 2-0 Plano

Varsity Stats:

Jake Morales (So) had 7 saves in goal.

David Vargas (Jr) scored in the 5 minute, and also tallied the game winner in overtime.

Jose Lopez (Jr) assisted David on both goals.


JV Stats:

Jose Morquecho (Fr) scored 2 goals.

Jake Morales (So) 1 assist.

Juan Higuera (Fr)1 assist

Jose Lopez (Jr) had 6 saves and recorded the shut out.



Varsity 2-4

Conference: 1-4

JV: 2-3-2

JV Conference: 2-2


In a repeat of last year’s 1 st regional game, Reed Custer tied the game with about 8 minutes remaining to send the game into overtime. Plano rewrote the ending when a pass from Jose Lopez was finished by David Vargas to win the exciting game.