Plano High Boys Soccer Stats

Plano @ Beecher : 9/13/07

Varsity: 2-1 Beecher 2OT, shoot out

JV: 0-0 Plano

Varsity Stats:

Jake Morales (So) had 15 saves in goal.

Jose Morquecho (So) opened the game scoring on a header.

Jose Lopez (Jr) assisted Jose to start the game.

In the shoot-out, Hugo Lopez (Jr) scored, as well as Octavio Nevarez (Jr)


JV Stats:

Jose Lopez (Jr) had 1 saves and recorded the shut out.


Varsity 2-5

Conference: 1-5

JV: 2-3-3

JV Conference: 2-2-1

After a long ride, the Reapers opened the game when a pass from Jose Lopez found Jose Morquecho head and the game was 1-0. Beecher tied the game late in the second half. The game went into overtime, and then into the second overtime. Then it went to penalty kicks. Hugo Lopez scored the first and was matched by his Beecher counterpart. Oscar Vasquez’s (Sr) shot was blocked by the keeper, but Beecher missed as well. Octavio Nevarez scored his and was matched again. Jake Morales (So) shot also found Beecher ’s keepers hands. Beecher went up by one, and when Jose Morqecho shot was stopped, that was the end of the game. It was well played on both sides.